Privacy Policy & Business Project

Compliance Who We Are

Our Compliance - highly qualified and motivated professionals

Our business team has a long tradition in the financial industry. We pride ourselves on providing outstanding customer service to order to guarantee that all of our clients are 100% satisfied.

Traditional banks, under pressure to innovate, face limitations with their outdated systems and processes. Meanwhile, cryptocurrency markets, despite demonstrating significant growth potential, continue to grapple with issues of regulatory uncertainty and volatility. This creates a unique niche for a new generation of banks that can combine the reliability and trust of traditional financial institutions with innovative approaches and flexibility offered by cryptocurrency platforms, such as our ready-to-use payment system based on Oracle Database.

Through a deep analysis of these two spheres, our project identifies key points of synergy and opportunities for creating a new type of banking institution that can effectively operate in this dynamic landscape, offering innovative and secure financial solutions. We place significant emphasis on the initiatives of our contributors, who provide suggestions for enhancing existing banking solutions. These suggestions include increasing the speed and simplifying settlement operations, enabling full client fund management from a single bank, akin to the EU's PSD2 and P2P directive. We also seek to increase the integration of AI-driven robots into the mobile banking applications of the future bank, among many other enhancements. Our DAO team has opted to release governance tokens for the prospective Bank as NFTs*, facilitating effortless trading within the digital realm of the DeFi ecosystem. With each NFT-governance owner holding one voting right, stakeholders can actively participate in shaping the our Bank's future general structure.

The Financial Plan of the Bank of the Future

Revenue and Expenditure Forecasts:

In the context of the bank's inception in 2024, a pivotal aspect 

of our financial planning will be the establishment of a robust 

economic foundation to foster sustainable growth. During the 

initial phase of the project's development, which involves 

constructing the structure of the future bank, profit generation 

is not anticipated. This aligns fully with the results of the Howey test, 

signifying that the majority of funds will be allocated towards preservation. Profitability is expected only post-establishment of the bank and upon receiving a banking license. Subsequent to obtaining the banking license, we anticipate the following:

Revenues: Initial revenues will focus on innovative and conservative banking products, including securities and cryptocurrency services transformed post-establishment. Given the growing interest in digital assets, we foresee significant attraction to these products, contributing to revenue growth, specifically:

The first issuance of NFT-governance TLVD Trusty Bank aimed at supporting:

1. 10% directed towards establishing the bank, obtaining licenses, initial capital contributions, advertising, etc.

2. 1 million governance NFTs * €100 = €100,000,000;

3. - 10% = €10,000,000.

The remaining €90,000,000 will be preserved in separate wallets/accounts until the bank's establishment, licensing, and conversion of NFT-governance into securities, thereafter:

1. €90,000,000 will be evenly distributed, €45,000,000 each, to maintain a continuous flow of rapid payments and stock market value;

2. €45,000,000 will be allocated in major currencies across our accounts and correspondent bank accounts for express banking transactions, with cryptocurrencies in the bank's cold wallets for instant conversions;

3. The other €45,000,000 will be allocated to sustain the NFT-governance market value, ensuring the bank's guarantee of repurchasing NFT-governance from the owner;

4. It's projected that the total number of bank clients purchasing NFT-governance will be 90,000, with each conducting approximately five transfers/conversions monthly. The total estimated number of transactions is 450,000. The bank will charge an estimated €2 per transfer/conversion, yielding a monthly profit of €900,000 and approximately €10,000,000 annually;

5. In the process of stabilizing and maintaining NFT-governance trading, the estimated monthly spread between BID and ASK is 0.8% (+/-0.4% variation), annually around 10%. With an estimated annual turnover of 1,000,000 units, the yearly profit is expected to be around €10,000,000;

6. Total profit for the first two years is estimated at €20,000,000;

7. Expenses: Initial expenditures will include investments in technological infrastructure, encompassing structural construction, programming, blockchain technology, and AI. We plan to optimize these expenses by utilizing the existing payment system, effective digital marketing strategies, and the fact that stakeholders interested in promoting their brands will themselves endorse the project. Specific calculated expenses for the first year are estimated at 10% of the total funds raised in currency and cryptocurrency, amounting to €10,000,000;

8. It's also imperative to consider that an additional €10,000,000 will need to be reserved for the second year.

The projected result after two years is as follows:

Credit: €20,000,000

Debit:   €20,000,000

Profit:  €0


This fully corroborates the results of the Howey test, indicating an absence of profit until the establishment of the bank and the acquisition of the banking license. It is also crucial to consider that upon establishing the banking institution, the founders will present and the Regulator will approve a separate business project with projections for the next five years.





Financing and Investment Strategies

At the outset, TLVD Trusty Bank will focus on the following strategies:

1. Raising Initial Capital: By issuing NFT-governance, our team attracts investments from private and institutional entities interested in a collaborative outcome and an innovative approach to banking services;

2. Developing Sustainable Revenue Sources: Our team’s strategy will include the development of products and services that, post-acquisition of the banking license, will provide sustainable income sources. This includes investment products associated with blockchain and cryptocurrency asset management services;

3. Prudent Technology Development: A meticulous approach to technology development, based on the existing payment system, will help us minimize initial expenses and ensure long-term return on investment;

4. Risk Management: Our team will meticulously monitor market trends with AI assistance and programmatically adapt our strategies to minimize risks associated with market fluctuations, credit, commercial, strategic, operational, currency, liquidity risks, and regulatory changes.

Only in the second stage of its operations, upon establishing the banking institution and obtaining the relevant licenses, thus proving the viability of the chosen business directions, the bank plans to issue a second NFT-governance.


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